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It is quite easy to command a ON/OFF actuator such as a pump with a relay but the case of 3-way valves is a little more delicate.


2 use cases are covered in the following schematics :

  • via a promux PM4RO external module
  • via a digital output external module (promux PM16DO or PM8DIO)

Using a relay module connected to the GPIO

This is not an industrial solution but if you search for relay + arduino on amazon for example, you can find cheap modules with 8 relays on board.

A small python code will help you to check the connections of the relay module on the GPIO.

  • in the tests folder of the BIOS2 directory,
  • run : python3 relayzero.py to switch the first 8 relays ON and OFF

The next step is to connect a 3-way valve as following :

  • in the hardware folder of the BIOS2 directory,
  • run relay.py to command the valve using gpiozero or wiringpi library