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The Kipp and Zonen SMP3-V measures the infrared radiation (from 300 to 3000 nm). It is a full modbus device.

Kipp N Zonen SMP3-V

connection to a computer using a MOXA uport 1150

On a window desktop, go to the device manager and check that the Moxa works in RS485(2W)

The SMP comes with a 8-wire cable :

  • 1 - red : Not used
  • 2 - blue : MODBUS GND
  • 3 - green : analogue out
  • 4 - yellow : MODBUS B+
  • 5 - grey - MODBUS A-
  • 6 - brown : analogue ground
  • 7 - white : VCC (12 ACDC)
  • 8 - black : GROUND

Connect the SMP as follow :


Install the Kipp and Zonen Smart Explorer software, and connect to the device



As the Enless radio receiver is the slave number 1 on the Themis RS485 bus, we have to change the SMP3 modbus ID. We can use the following settings :

  • modbus ID : 3
  • baudrate : 9600
  • parity : None
  • stop bits : 1

Please note that that factory configuration is :

  • modbus ID : 1
  • baudrate : 19200
  • parity : even
  • stop bits : 1

To fix the configuration in the SMP :

  • change mode from normal network use to single instrument use
  • go to the configuration tab
  • press update




Connection to a RS485 bus


modbus registers

modbus_register parameter Name Description
0 IO_DEVICE_TYPE DevType type of the sensor
1 IO_DATAMODEL_VERSION DataSet Version of the object data model
2 IO_OPERATIONAL_MODE DevMode Operational mode: normal, service, calibration and so on
3 IO_STATUS_FLAGS Status Device Status flags
4 IO_SCALE_FACTOR Range Range and scale factor sensor data (determines number of decimal places)
5 IO_SENSOR1_DATA Sensor1 Temperature compensated radiation in W/m2 (Net radiation for SGR)
6 IO_RAW_SENSOR1_DATA RawData1 Net radiation (sensor 1) in W/m2
7 IO_STDEV_SENSOR1 StDev1 Standard deviation IO_SENSOR1_DATA
8 IO_BODY_TEMPERATURE BodyTemp temperature in 0.1 °C
9 IO_EXT_POWER_SENSOR VSupply External power voltage