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The THEMIS/BIOS softwares can be installed on an emonpi or on a specific BIOS hardware.

On both of these hardwares, the man machine interface is very basic and consists of a 2 lines LCD screen plus a push button.

The man machine service called ihm can be configured so that a long press on the push button can start/stop the actuators connected to the gpio (pinout mode) or to a digital output modbus module connected to BIOS via an RS485 USB dongle (registers mode).


As usual, manually start the runner to create a sample conf file :

cd /opt/openenergymonitor/BIOS2/hardware

Then install with the makefile :

make install ihm

To uninstall :

make uninstall ihm

configuration file

The following configuration has got the classic gpio/pinout parameters and the ability to command two relays via a DO module. Please note the ihm service searches automatically for the first DO module connected on the RTU bus so you do not have to fix any id.

The nb* keys permit to define how many actuators are available through the man machine interface.

In this example, you can command five 3-way valves plus one pump, all connected to the gpio, and no actuator will be available through the modbus/RS485 protocol.

    "nbgpiores": 1,
    "nbgpiov3v": 5,
    "nbmodres": 0,
    "nbmodv3v": 0,
    "pinout": {
        "v3v": [0, 2, 4, 6, 10, 12, 21],
        "res": [23, 24]
    "registers": {
        "v3v": [],
        "res": [0, 1]

Legend :

  • res stands for on/off equipment
  • v3v stands for 3-way valve
  • mod stands for modbus/RS485 protocol
  • gpio stands for direct gpio connexion using wiringpi or gpiozero libraries